Get together with other pedal nerds to chat, show off your rigs, play other rigs, ask questions, and generally share knowledge about something your friends and family probably roll their eyes at!
A non profit event purely arranged to allow enthusiasts a unique community gathering opportunity

– If you’re looking to buy or sell gear this is also a great place to demo it and strike up a deal face to face. All gear, not just pedals can be brought to the venue for sale.
– We have space for about 8 silent stations to plug your rig into and a live amp and cab on the stage section to hear some of the rigs at proper volumes! (Silent rigs are dependent on how many people can bring pedals or amps with headphone outputs
– Capacity for 30 participants for the first event. Free entry, however we will take names and details of what you plan to bring to show and/or sell so we can all see what will be available throughout the day.
– There is a google form to fill in to show your interest and gain access to the Facebook group messaging board where people can chat in the run up to the event.
– The forms will be used to populate a spreadsheet so everyone can see what will be available to look at/buy/etc.

If there is enough interest we will be making this a quarterly event, sign up below!

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